How do Editing Preferences work?

You can select the options you want on your photos by default, but this only applies to accounts with active subscriptions. This also applies to future projects after setting up.


If you see blue or the radio button turned ON (sample photo below), it means you want to include the particular feature in future projects. So here are the features below.

Arrange Photos - arrange photos from front exteriors to interiors to back exteriors.

Blur family photo - blur any family photo.

Blur license plate - blur the license plate

Correct verticals - correct off verticals.

Crop photos -  need to only crop areas of photos where there are cars, garbage cans, neighbor’s house on the sides, and a big area of the pavement (highway, hallway, sidewalk).

Lens distortion correction - apply lens correction before editing

Remove the Real Estate sign - remove for sale/real estate sign.

Rename files - renaming photos from 01